For Immediate Release – April 19, 2011

(HUGUENOT, NY) – The Deerpark Town Board voted unanimously on Monday night to grant Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec authority to sign an agreement joining a consortium of about 20 communities that oppose the Orange & Rockland Utilities’ proposed electric rate increase. The Board passed a similar motion back in November to join the consortium upon the consortium reaching a minimum of 20 municipalities and with a cost cap of $3,000.

“Orange and Rockland are proposing massive percentage increases to both residential and commercial rates that are simply not economically viable for the Deerpark community,” said Supervisor Brabenec. “The Board decided to fight these increases because our residents and businesses are doing all they can to survive in these hard economic times and the increases would certainly put a further burden on their everyday lives and operations.”

Orange and Rockland’s rate increase request is currently before the Public Service Commission. If the Public Service Commission grants O&R’s requested increase, businesses, residents, governments & schools will see their utility bills rise.