For Immediate Release – November 14, 2011

(HUGUENOT, NY) – The Deerpark Town Board has adopted a 2012 budget which is below the state’s prescribed 2% tax cap. The budget, which was adopted unanimously, has come in at a 0.7% tax levy increase from 2011.

“The Deerpark Town Board has worked very hard to end up below the tax cap for next year and as mandated costs keep rising, to find the necessary savings for the taxpayers to avoid any major tax increases,” said Supervisor Karl A. Brabenec. “This is the second year in a row in which we have adopted a fiscally conservative budget which keeps our tax levy stable while still providing critical services for our residents”.

The Town Board was faced with some budgetary challenges this year. The value of the town’s taxable property decreased almost $2 million dollars from 2010 putting a further strain on town revenues. Health care costs and retirement contribution have continued to rise at double digit percentages and the town was hit this past year by two major tropical storms which wreaked havoc to infrastructure.

“Challenges were faced with putting together next year’s budget as various revenues streams, such as the Mortgage Tax and State Aid, continue to decline and others like Sales and Real Property Tax remain steady,” said Councilman David M. Hoovler.

Some highlights from the adopted budget include an additional $100,000 to pave and repair town roads, a savings of approximately $100,000 by switching health insurance providers for employees and some retirees. In addition, the town has restructured some town departments in efforts to achieve cost savings and optimal efficiency in operations.

A copy of the budget will be available shortly at the Deerpark Town Clerk’s office and on the official Deerpark web site at